The Quran and Science 11/26/2008 08:55:00 PM

Baru-baru ini, saya telah membaca kajian yang telah dibuat oleh Dr Maurice Bucaille, seorang saintis perancis. Walaupun belum habis menelaahnya, saya begitu teruja untuk berkongsi dengan anda tentang penemuan-penemuan Dr Maurice ini tentang Kitab suci Alquran. Bukunya yang bertajuk The Bible, The Quran and Science - THE HOLY SCRIPTURES EXAMINED IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE ini mempunyai kandungan yang sangat bagus untuk dijadikan bukti kepada umat manusia bukan Islam tentang kebenaran yang dibawa oleh Islam. Melalui buku ini, Dr Maurice telah mengkaji Alquran secara menyeluruh(berkaitan saintifik), bermula dengan keaslian Alquran sehinggalah kepada ayat-ayat suci Alquran yang menerangkan tentang kejadian bumi dan alam semesta. Selain itu, beliau juga telah mengkaji tentang kitab Bible dan kesemua version Bible yang ada. Sama seperti Alquran, beliau mengkaji keaslian setiap daripada Bible tersebut terlebih dahulu sebelum meneruskan kajian mengenai sains yang ada dalam kitab-kitab keagamaan tersebut.

Dibawah ini, adalah sedikit pendahuluan yang dipetik dari Dr.Maurice Bucaille dari tulisannya.

"On the 9th of November, 1976, an unusual lecture was given at the French Academy of Medicine. Its title was “Physiological and Embryological data in the Qur’an”. I presented the study based on the existence of certain statements concerning physiology and reproduction in the Qur’an. My reason for presenting this lecture was because it is impossible to explain how a text produced in the seventh century could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times.

For the first time, I spoke to members of a learned medical society on subjects whose basic concepts they all knew well, but I could, just as easily, have pointed out statements of a scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate reflections on natural phenomena. These reflections are particularly astonishing when we consider the history of science, and can only lead us to the conclusion that they are a challenge to human explanation.

There is no human work in existence that contains statements as far beyond the level of knowledge of its time as the Qur’an. Scientific opinions comparable to those in the Qur’an are the result of modern knowledge. In the commentaries to translations of the Qur’an that have appeared in European languages, I have only been able to find scattered and vague references to them. Nor do commentators writing in Arabic provide a complete study of the aspects of the Qur’an that deal with scientific matters. This is why the idea of a comprehensive study of the problem appealed to me.

Throughout my research I have constantly tried to remain totally objective. I believe I have succeeded in approaching the study of the Qur’an with the same objectivity that a doctor has when opening a file on a patient. In other words, only by carefully analyzing all the symptoms can one arrive at an accurate diagnosis. I must admit that it was certainly not faith in Islam that first guided my steps, but simply a desire to search for the truth. This is how I see it today. It was mainly the facts which, by the time I had finished my study, led me to see the Qur’an as the divinely-revealed text it really is."

Selepas ini, insyaAllah, saya akan teruskan dengan entry-entry tentang penemuan-penemuan yang telah dibuat sepanjang kajian Dr Maurice ini, terutamanya berkaitan Alquran dan Sains.

Till now,

New template, new journey, and new Me..! 11/23/2008 10:41:00 PM

1. Salam to all readers.. well, I've changed my template yesterday (tak larat nak post new entry dah semalam..=p). I've tried hard to change this template. I don't know if you like this template, but i do love it n hoping that you do like it too..
p/s: any comments bout this new template??

2. Why i changed this template..?? bcoz I am now in a phase of embarking new journey in my life. Changing from "student" title to someone "to be hired" by a firm (to-be-hired ye.. lom being hired lagi.. hehe). So, starting from here, my new-real journey begins. What's awaiting me ahead? Only God knows. So, let's wait and see what will be my next challenge... =)

3. Last but not least, I am now trying to be a new me..! a new me yang dah tak malas2 lagi, and a new me yang dah takde sikap2 -ve lagi (xlarat nak list kat sini.. haha). Kalaupon semua behaviour -ve tu tak leh nak dibuang skaligus, semoga all that "buruk" behaviour akan di-reduce satu persatu.. amin.

4. Till now, lps ni insyaallah sy akan punya banyak kesempatan untuk selalu update blog ni..
So... keep on reading k.. n thanks for visiting my blog..


Sedikit masa lagi 11/08/2008 10:05:00 PM

Begitu lama rasanya saya tak berkesempatan untuk "benar-benar menulis" di blog ini. Banyak yang perlu diselesaikan dalam masa sebulan kebelakangan ni. Semuanya tentang projek tahun akhir yang begitu banyak "cengkadak"nya.Sedikit masa lagi, insyaAllah semua ini akan berakhir.. dan saya akan punya lebih masa untuk menulis dan menyambung bacaan yang tergendala.. =)

Dan lepas ni, saya akan meninggalkan alam study dan memasuki alam pekerjaan pula. Kerjaa..??? ngeeee.. sebut tentang kerja.. saya mula terfikir tentang banyak perkara. Bagaimana agaknya perjalanan hidup yang akan saya lalui selepas ini ? Apakah cita-cita besar saya akan tercapai kelak..?? Hmm.. Sudah pasti banyak cabaran yang menanti, banyak halangan yang bakal dihadapi. Dan saya tahu saya hanya perlu melakukan satu benda, iaitu melakukan yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik. Semoga saya akan melaluinya dengan hati yang tenang
dan tabah.

Well, here are an inspiring quote untuk saya, dan untuk anda semua...

"Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong, There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women
to win them."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Till then,